Chair: Oliver Hipwell, Hill Farm, 8 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN Tel: 017944 547685 email (Elected 5 May 2022; Vice-chair; Biodiversity and Tree Officer)

John Jefferies, Ash Tree Cottage, Little Gransden SG19 3BP email (Co-opted 12 May 2022 )

Mrs Noushin Rostami, 34 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP (Elected 5 May 2022; co-ordinator Friendship Club)

Emma Ward 6 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN (Elected 5 May 2022; trustee and parish council representative for Little Gransden Village Hall)

Aston Cox, Gransden Lodge, Longstowe Road, Little Gransden SG19 3EB (co-opted 11 May 2023

Clerk: Sylvia Sullivan, 3 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP Tel: 01767 677906, email Office hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday

Friday, 4 May 2018

Parish Council election

Three nominations were received for the Parish Council Elections on 3 May: Councillors Oliver Hipwell, Robert Murden, and Laura White offered themselves for re-election. 
            There was an uncontested election for the Parish Council. Two vacancies for Councillors exist – if you would like to serve your community in this role, please contact the Clerk or a Parish Councillor.
To be a parish councillor you must be:
·      A British Citizenm or of the Commonwealth or European Union
·      Over 18 years old
·      Have resided in the parish or within 3 miles of it for at least 12 months or have your principal or only place of work in that area.
More information about roles and responsibilities can be found on