Chair: Oliver Hipwell, Hill Farm, 8 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN Tel: 017944 547685 email (Elected 5 May 2022; Vice-chair; Biodiversity and Tree Officer)

John Jefferies, Ash Tree Cottage, Little Gransden SG19 3BP email (Co-opted 12 May 2022 )

Mrs Noushin Rostami, 34 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP (Elected 5 May 2022; co-ordinator Friendship Club)

Emma Ward 6 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN (Elected 5 May 2022; trustee and parish council representative for Little Gransden Village Hall)

Aston Cox, Gransden Lodge, Longstowe Road, Little Gransden SG19 3EB (co-opted 11 May 2023

Clerk: Sylvia Sullivan, 3 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP Tel: 01767 677906, email Office hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday

Saturday, 9 February 2019

St Neots Museum Spring leaflet 2019

Here is the spring leaflet for St Neots Museum, listing all the exhibitions and events through to Easter. See also

Friday, 1 February 2019

Vacancy for Parish Councillor

Following the resignation of Laura White, a casual vacancy for a Parish Councillor exists. As an election has not been called for, the Parish Council may now proceed to co-opt a replacement for Laura. 

If you are thinking of becoming a councillor and would like to know more of what is involved, please contact the Clerk or a current member of the Parish Council. To be a parish councillor you must be:
·      A British Citizen or of the Commonwealth or European Union
·      Over 18 years old
·      Have resided in the parish or within 3 miles of it for at least 12 months or have your principal or only place of work in that area.

Posted by Parish Clerk.

Agenda for Little Gransden Parish Council Planning Meeting

Agenda for Little Gransden Parish Council Planning Meeting 7 February 2019 6pm Little Gransden Village Hall.

East–West Rail Consultation

The first of the East–West Rail consultations are about to take place.
Parish Councillor Jefferies will present an update following a telephone briefing on 25 January at the next Parish Council planning meeting on 7 February - 6 pm Village Hall.

You can find out more and submit your own thoughts by looking at:

Consultation events are scheduled for the following locations:

St Neots: Monday 11 February, 3:30pm - 7:30pm
The Priory Centre, Priory Lane, St Neots PE19 2BH
Bedford: Friday 15 February, 3.30pm – 7.30pm
Scott Hall, Barford Avenue, Bedford MK42 0DS
Bassingbourn: Saturday 16 February, 10am – 2pm
Bassingbourn Community Primary School, Brook Road, Bassingbourn SG8 5NP
Potton: Tuesday 19 February3.30pm – 7.30pm
Potton and District Club34 Station Road, Potton, Sandy SG19 2PZ
Cambridge: Friday 22 February, 3.30pm – 7.30pm
The University Centre, Granta Place, Cambridge CB2 1RU
Orwell: Tuesday 26 February, 2pm – 6pm
Orwell Village Hall, 32-66 High St, Orwell, Royston SG8 5QN
Sandy: Friday 1 March, 3:30pm – 7:30pm
Sandy Village Hall, Medusa Way, Sandy SG19 1BN 
Cambourne: Saturday 2 March, 10:00pm – 2:00pm
Cambridge Belfry, Back Lane, Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6BW