Chair: Oliver Hipwell, Hill Farm, 8 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN Tel: 017944 547685 email (Elected 5 May 2022; Vice-chair; Biodiversity and Tree Officer)

John Jefferies, Ash Tree Cottage, Little Gransden SG19 3BP email (Co-opted 12 May 2022 )

Mrs Noushin Rostami, 34 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP (Elected 5 May 2022; co-ordinator Friendship Club)

Emma Ward 6 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN (Elected 5 May 2022; trustee and parish council representative for Little Gransden Village Hall)

Aston Cox, Gransden Lodge, Longstowe Road, Little Gransden SG19 3EB (co-opted 11 May 2023

Clerk: Sylvia Sullivan, 3 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP Tel: 01767 677906, email Office hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday

Monday, 17 December 2012

Little Gransden Energy Group (LGEG) - Nov 2012

Little Gransden Energy Group (LGEG)                                                                 Nov 2012
Solar pv panels:  The “Which?” magazine carried out an evaluation on the cost effectiveness of installing solar pv panels, now that the Feed in Tariff (FiT) has been reduced so much.  They concluded that it is still financially beneficial, provided that the income from the FiT is paid back in to a Cash ISA to improve the financial return.

Electricity supplies:  “Which?” magazine also reminded us that the cost of electricity has doubled between 2004 and 2012, and we have just heard of further increases of around 6% later this year.  The only ways to contain the cost of electricity is to avoid wasting power, and installing more efficient lights and appliances.

Energy saving lights:  The European governments are forcing us to change from the inefficient tungsten bulbs (which give out more heat than light), by severely restricting the sale of tungsten bulbs.  Halogen lights are only 20% more efficient than tungsten bulbs.  Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) are more efficient, but disliked by many people, because of the flickering and dim start up.  The light bulbs of the future are undoubtedly LEDs, but these are quite expensive to buy.  However, LEDs use about 12% of the electricity compared to CFLs, last about 5 times longer, and instantly achieve full brightness.  Compared to tungsten bulbs, LEDs use about 2-3% of electricity, should last around 25 years.  Unfortunately, at present LEDs are only bright enough to replace tungsten bulbs up to 60 watts.

Lumens is the new measure of light output, and is applied to tungsten, CFL, and LED bulbs.  Wattage is the amount of electricity used by a bulb.
A 40 watt tungsten bulb may emit 300 to 500 lumens, equivalent to 7 to 11 watts for a CFL.
A 60 watt tungsten bulb may emit 500 to 800 lumens, equivalent to 8 to 15 watts for a CFL.
A 100 watt tungsten bulb may emit 900 to 1300 lumens, equivalent to 15 to 20 watts for a CFL.

Not all bulbs are equal:  “Which?” magazine found that some CFLs started quicker, and brighter, than others – GE 8 watt energy saving spiral bulbs were the quickest to start (470 lumens, equivalent to 40 watt tungsten).  Megaman Modo 8 watt stick bulb was nearly as quick as the GE bulb (420 lumens, equivalent to 40 watt tungsten).  Ikea’s Sparsam 15 watt was also rated highly for speed of illumination (820 lumens, equivalent to 100 watt tungsten).
“Best buy” LEDs include Philips MyVision 5W (250 lumens), Osram Parathorn Pro Classic A60 (650 lumens), Sylvania Toledo GLS A60 (250 lumens). 
I have successfully replaced a B&Q 11 watt CFL with a Philips Econic 7W warm white LED (350 lumens), which gave similar light output and immediate start up.
Tungsten bulbs give a warm white colour light, which is equivalent to 2700K colour temperature of light.  For comparison, candle light is 1850K, halogen bulbs produce light at 3500K, noon daylight is 5000K, blue sky, daylight lamps, and SAD light, is at 6500K to 7000K.

            Trevor Brown on telephone 677285,  email:

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

" The South Cambs Community Bus Service".

In April 2013, the local council will be withdrawing all local bus subsidies, we are therefore looking into the possibility of setting up " The South Cambs Community Bus Service".
We are carrying out a survey, and would appreciate your help in gathering data for your area.


John Weedon

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Parish Council Elections 2012

Parish Council Elections 3 May 2012

Could you be a parish councillor? Elections are held every four years – here is your chance to play a major part in your community! For more details of what is involved speak one of our councilors, or to the Clerk who will also have nomination forms.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Electricity monitoring meters

Electricity monitoring meters are still available to households in Little Gransden. It is only by using these free meters (supplied by South Cambridgeshire Council SPEP group) that you can find out when your electricity costs are highest. Then you can think about a solution to offset the electricity cost rises. Contact Trevor Brown to borrow one.

Websites for your reference

Sustainable Parish Energy Partnership (SPEP) -
Energy saving trust (independent charity for advice) -
Renewable Heat Incentive Policy and "Green Deal" - latest information -

Thermal imaging camera:

A donation of £70 was made to the Cambridge Carbon Footprint organisation, who owned the camera, and loaned it to the LGEG in return for a donation.  All the money donated by householders was passed on the Cambridge Carbon Footprint without any deduction for "expenses".  The loan of the camera was organised by the SPEP group within South Cambs District Council.
The thermal imaging camera showed up heat losses from concrete lintels over windows, where older buildings had lintels that bridged the cavity.  It showed the heat loss around the edges of some double glazed window panes, where the aluminium spacer between the two sheets of glass conducted heat from inside to outside.  The new "A" rated double glazing windows have an insulated spacer, instead of aluminium, as well as modified glass that reflects heat back into the building.  The camera detected heat being lost though air vents that were open, which they have to be open at times to allow adequate ventilation.  An example of the old style "Crittal" metal window frames revealed how much heat was conducted to the outside through the metal frames - such frames should be replaced as a matter of urgency!
The thermal camera detected heat losses around the outside edges of some houses with under floor heating, and the size and shape of radiators inside poorly insulated walls (mainly wattle and daub construction).  Wood burning stoves and AGA stoves can appear to have considerable heat losses up the chimney stack due to exterior surface temperatures between 20 and 30 deg C on the chimney, when the air temperature was only 4 to 7 deg C at the time of measurement.

In the Little Gransden Village Hall, the warm air rising from the convector heater resulted in air at 33 deg C at ceiling height when the room thermostat was set at 21 deg C.  Cold draughts of around 9 deg C were entering from poorly insulated ceiling at 11 deg C in the stage area and the Committee Room.  Aran Services are being employed to insulate the ceiling above the stage area.  Although the ceiling of the Reception Area is insulated, there is no insulation above the loft floor, and the loft space is open to the atmosphere around the edges of the corrugated roof and wall panels.  This cold air was descending into the Main Hall by the loft door that could not be shut fully - this has now been rectified as a matter of urgency!  In the kitchen of the Village Hall, there had been a damp area in one corner that started to show signs of mould.  This area is a cold spot and immediately above the hot water boiler.  The mould has now been removed, but better insulation and ventilation when water is being boiled, is required.

The Solar Photovoltaic Panels at 15 Main Road have now generated just over 1272 kWh of electricity since they were installed on 28th May, and 9th January.  Unsurprisingly, the many cloudy and short days has resulted in low amounts of electricity being generated in the last month.  Daily generation from only 0.15 kWh to 4.47 kWh were recorded over the Christmas to New Year period.