Chair: Oliver Hipwell, Hill Farm, 8 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN Tel: 017944 547685 email (Elected 5 May 2022; Vice-chair; Biodiversity and Tree Officer)

John Jefferies, Ash Tree Cottage, Little Gransden SG19 3BP email (Co-opted 12 May 2022 )

Mrs Noushin Rostami, 34 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP (Elected 5 May 2022; co-ordinator Friendship Club)

Emma Ward 6 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN (Elected 5 May 2022; trustee and parish council representative for Little Gransden Village Hall)

Aston Cox, Gransden Lodge, Longstowe Road, Little Gransden SG19 3EB (co-opted 11 May 2023

Clerk: Sylvia Sullivan, 3 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP Tel: 01767 677906, email Office hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

LGPC Annual Return

The External Auditor's Report stated that on the basis of the review of the annual return, the information in the annual return was in accordance with proper practice and no matters had come to attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements had not been met. The appropriate notice has been placed on the noticeboard with a copy of the annual return (accounting statement, governance statement, external auditor's report and internal auditor's report), which may also be viewed on this website. The original may be viewed by appointment with the Clerk.