Chair: Oliver Hipwell, Hill Farm, 8 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN Tel: 017944 547685 email (Elected 5 May 2022; Vice-chair; Biodiversity and Tree Officer)

John Jefferies, Ash Tree Cottage, Little Gransden SG19 3BP email (Co-opted 12 May 2022 )

Mrs Noushin Rostami, 34 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP (Elected 5 May 2022; co-ordinator Friendship Club)

Emma Ward 6 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN (Elected 5 May 2022; trustee and parish council representative for Little Gransden Village Hall)

Aston Cox, Gransden Lodge, Longstowe Road, Little Gransden SG19 3EB (co-opted 11 May 2023

Clerk: Sylvia Sullivan, 3 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP Tel: 01767 677906, email Office hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday

Monday, 23 September 2013


Present: Councillors J Gillett, A Penrose, B Bates, County Councillor S Kindersley, District Councillor B Smith, 16 members of the public

Minutes taken by: S Sullivan
The Chair was taken by J Gillett.

After welcoming everyone, J Gillett said that he very much regretted to have to announce the resignation, received that day, of Councillor Bourne.
145. MINUTES OF THE MEETING ON 11 JULY were approved as a correct record subject to an amendment at point 125. The minutes were signed.
146. MATTERS ARISING Point 123: A Penrose reported that he had reported the split saltbin to the highways department.
144. OPEN FORUM (15 minutes) (Taken out of order)
Mrs Seabright said that she would like to say ‘thank you’ to the 85 residents who had asked that the case against her be dismissed. She said that she had liaised with the Parochial Church Council over the removal of the chestnut tree on the footpath after a branch had broken off.
J Gillett wished to record Mrs Seabright’s help in taking down the tree.
Mr Pemberton said that he dreaded to think how much had been spent on the court case, which had involved huge amounts of public money.
Mr Safford asked about the progress of recruiting another parish councillor.
Mr Brown advised that an ash tree on the border of his property in Main Road had been taken down on safety grounds.
Mr Bowron referred to the Local Development framework and said that residents should be aware that if proposals to develop the land adjacent to the village hall were taken forward, this could have a negative impact on the village hall, restricting its activities.
Ms Brooks enquired about speed restricting measures such as speed bumps or speedwatch cameras. (In response, Councillor Kindersley advised that speed limits were the responsibility of the County Council; it was the police’s duty to enforce them. He suggested attending the Police Panel meeting.)
The Open Forum was closed.
147. FIFTH PARISH COUNCILLOR Cllr Gillett advised that two applications had been received; interviews would be held as soon as possible with a view to co-opting another councillor. The process was made more urgent and compounded by Cllr Bourne’s resignation, as yet another vacancy had been created; the statutory notice would be placed on the parish noticeboard.
148.1 Local Development Framework – the extension of the deadline for responses was noted. The new deadline was 14 October. The Parish Council decided to make no further comments.
148.2 Local Development Framework – the Parish Council decided to make no further comments regarding the presentation on behalf of clients by Bidwells Land Agents
148.3 Consultation on Strategic Direction Statement – Water – Cllr Penrose reported that this 68 page document listed seven or eight priorities, and ways in which customers could help by conserve water and use it responsibly. He felt there was no immediate need for the Parish Council to respond, but that it was of ongoing interest.
148.4 Parish Liaison Meeting An invitation to attend the next meeting was given to Cllr Penrose to consider.
149. VILLAGE SIGN –damage to the village sign as a result of a tractor and trailer accident was noted. The Clerk had obtained an estimate for the cost of its repair, and reported that the person responsible for the damage had offered to repair it himself. Councillor AGREED to accept that offer. ACTION: Clerk
The meeting was closed while residents’ views were sought over repositioning the sign. The meeting was re-opened.
It was AGREED to re-position the sign on the verge on the south side of Primrose Walk. Councillor Kindersley advised that Council permission would not be necessary.
150. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORT Cllr Smith reported that winter gritting routes were currently being considered. Under the LDP an infrastructure levy would replace Section 106 payments, which would result in parishes receiving less money as a direct result of development.  The maintenance and repairs to Council-owned tenanted properties had been outsourced and had been the subject of complaints. There was concern about the wider implications of the LDP of traffic management and infrastructure, and public transport. It was suggested that a liaison group for example of villages on the B1198 would have more effect.
ACTION: Clerk to contact Longstowe Parish Council, which was understood to be considering such a measure. (Mrs Seabright’s offer to attend such a liaison group was noted.)
151. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr Kindersley reported that buses were back in the melting pot. The County Council was trying to get by and run on subsidised buses. The guided busway would cost the taxpayer £33 million.
152. WEBSITE – In Mr Griffiths’ absence, the Clerk reported that the website was a work in progress. Residents could register for updates via the blog and the Clerk was working with Mr Griffiths for agendas. Minutes and policy documents to be uploaded.
153. PLANNING 7 Church Walk  S/2300/12/FL Councillors noted that an appeal had been lodged
1 Church Street, The Old Rectory S/0354/13/FL Councillors noted the receipt of material for information only.
154.1 Roads – It was AGREED to recommend that Primrose Hill be added to the winter gritting programme – ACTION: Clerk;
154.2 Footpaths – Concern was expressed that the stump left by the chestnut tree on the churchyard footpath could be a hazard – ACTION Clerk to contact Highways;
154.3 Bridleways – Two residents had contacted the Clerk to express approval and thanks for work carried out on Bridleways 4 and 7.
155. LITTLE GRANSDEN AERODROME- in response to a resident’s enquiry at the meeting on 11 July, the Clerk reported that Messrs Jefferies had replied that the log book had been checked and although the amount of aerobatic activity had increased because of Mark's engagements, the number of take-offs had not increased.
156. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH – Councillors noted that Little Gransden had a new PCSO, Karen Mahoney; the next Police Panel meeting would be on 17 October at the Ecohub, Gamlingay. ACTION: Clerk to confirm contact details for PCSO.
157. VILLAGE HALL – Trevor Brown reported that the grant for £13,000 had been received and that almost all the projected work had been completed. An opening ceremony had been held on 17 July. There had been a major problem with blocked drains, which now seemed to have been resolved. Theatre of Widdershins had been booked to present children’s puppet theatre (Three Billy Goats Gruff) on 22 September, and Gamlingay Players had booked the hall for 9 November to add an extra date for their latest production The Importance of Being Earnest.
158. LITTLE GRANSDEN ENERGY GROUP – Trevor Brown reported that there would be a Gamlingay Green Day on 19 October at the Ecohub – entrance was free.  He had heard no more from South Cambs following their presentation to the village about working on historic houses.
159. FIRST WORLD WAR - COMMEMORATION No wish was expressed to  commemorate the centenary of the start of the First World War. It was noted that the Gransdens Society had put out a request for residents’ recollections of any who had been involved. J Gillett said that the British Legion had not so far issued any guidelines.
160. CHURCH – There would be a meeting to elect Churchwarden of Little Gransden Church Sunday 22 September after the 9.30 am service.
161. THREEWAYS, MAIN ROAD – Councillors noted that grounds maintenance had been undertaken recently.
162. FINANCE –  Remittance received £2.20. Expenditure as follows: Training fees £70; Clerk’s salary July 2013 £202.33, August 2013 £202.33, reimbursement of photocopying and stationery expenses £15.99 - APPROVED Proposed by B Bates, seconded by A Penrose
163. TRAINING – there would be outreach training at the Reading Rooms on 2 October. ACTION: A Penrose to attend – he would contact Diane Taylor.
164. DATE OF NEXT MEETING  Thursday 7 November 7.30 pm, Little Gransden Village Hall (other meetings)
Provision for Planning Meetings: 7 October, 2 December,  6.00 pm Village Hall.
165. CLOSURE OF MEETING 9.18 pm.

Little Gransden Parish Council has adopted the Model Publication Scheme under the Freedom of Information Act.