Chair: Oliver Hipwell, Hill Farm, 8 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN Tel: 017944 547685 email (Elected 5 May 2022; Vice-chair; Biodiversity and Tree Officer)

John Jefferies, Ash Tree Cottage, Little Gransden SG19 3BP email (Co-opted 12 May 2022 )

Mrs Noushin Rostami, 34 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP (Elected 5 May 2022; co-ordinator Friendship Club)

Emma Ward 6 Main Road, Little Gransden SG19 3DN (Elected 5 May 2022; trustee and parish council representative for Little Gransden Village Hall)

Aston Cox, Gransden Lodge, Longstowe Road, Little Gransden SG19 3EB (co-opted 11 May 2023

Clerk: Sylvia Sullivan, 3 Primrose Hill, Little Gransden SG19 3DP Tel: 01767 677906, email Office hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday

Wednesday, 7 August 2013


Thursday, 11 July 2013, 7.30 p.m.,
Little Gransden Village Hall.
Present: J Bourne (Chair), B Bates, J Gillett, A Penrose, S Kindersley, R Hopwood (Bidwells), 30 members of the public
Minutes taken by S Sullivan
Ms Jane Bourne welcomed everyone and introduced herself as the new Chair elected at the AGM in May. She thanked Mr Gillett for his previous term as Chair. She then introduced Mr Rob Hopwood, from Bidwells, land agents.

Mr R Hopwood, of Bidwells, acting on behalf of Mr Johnson and Mr Arnott gave a 10-minute presentation regarding the potential development of land to the north and south of Primrose Walk, including to the rear of the Village Hall paddock. He distributed plans to identify the areas in question and described potential benefits to the community in terms of making up Primrose Walk, additional parking and turning space for vehicles, retention of trees, and a proportion of affordable homes in what could be a mixed development of 15–20 houses. He answered questions from a number of residents.
The Chair thanked Mr Hopwood for his presentation. She said that Councillors would not discuss the matter at this meeting and invited residents to make their views known to Councillors or in writing to the Clerk.

118. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE District Councillor Smith

119. DECLARATION OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS Declaration of any disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting and which is not included in the register of interest.
Item 127 Old Rectory Trees Councillor Penrose declared a personal interest, having made a representation in a personal capacity.

120. OPEN FORUM Councillor Penrose said that he had been approached by a resident about overgrowing brambles on Primrose Walk – Councillor Kindersley offered to look into this.
The Chair then invited members of the public to indicate which agenda items they wished to speak to.
Mr J Jefferies wished to speak to item 121; Mrs V Seabright, Mrs A Wareham and Mr D Pemberton wished to speak to item 127.2; Mrs A Wareham wished to speak on Item 127.1
Mrs E Miller wished to speak to item 130.

121. COOPTION OF FIFTH PARISH COUNCILLOR – The Chair said that after consideration concerning the experience and complementary skills best suited for the remaining Parish Council vacancy it was proposed that Little Gransden Parish Council would place an invitation in August Roundabout and on the Village Notice Board inviting candidates to put themselves forward to fill that
vacancy. Applicants would be asked to submit a written account of themselves highlighting their strengths, what they felt they could bring to the Parish Council and the reasons why they wished to be considered. Applications should be directed to Clerk Start date for applications would be Thursday 1 August 2013 for a 3 week period up to and including Friday 23 August 2013. Proposed by J Bourne; seconded by A Penrose.
The Chair invited Mr J Jefferies to speak. Mr Jefferies said that this course of action was not necessary – an election had been held for one vacancy – five candidates had stood, and it should be possible to co-opt a fifth councillor from the remaining four candidates. The Chair thanked Mr Jefferies.
The Parish Council then voted on the proposal, which was carried by a majority of 2:1 with one abstention.

122.1 Local Development Plan It was noted that SCDC had replied to Little Gransden's submission to the Local Development Plan and were not minded to agree to it. Further public consultation would take place from 19 July to 30 September. Residents could view the exhibitions across the district – nearest ones were on 30 July at Cambourne and 4 September at Gamlingay. A notice had been placed on the board. Councillor Kindersley had drawn attention to the need to give consideration to transport issues within the Plan. Cllr Bates asked Cllr Kindersley what was the point of asking Parish Councils for submissions when they were rejected. Cllr Kindersley replied that parishes needed to be better prepared and to demonstrate evidence of widespread consultation and support for any proposals. This had not been the case with Little Gransden. Cllr Gillett remained concerned about the condition of the access to Primrose Walk – Cllr Kindersley offered to look into this.
122.2 Strategic Direction Statement – Water. This was given to Cllr Penrose to consider.

123. ASSET MANAGEMENT The recommended action since the last meeting was reviewed: split saltbin – ACTION: A Penrose to report to Highways Authority; parish council noticeboard – had been revarnished by a resident; village sign – plaque had been cleaned and screws fitted kissing gate – ACTION: Mr Sargeant offered to deal with this other items – ACTION: A Penrose to liaise with Mr T Brown,


125. COUNTY COUNCILLOR'S REPORT S Kindersley said that the County Council had held its AGM and had changed back to the old committee system, which would work much better. The Council would think twice before agreeing to very large contracts. He invited comments from residents for Issues and Options in the Local Development Plan. He said that 3,300 houses were planned for Bourne Airfield, and road widening from St Neots to Caxton Gibbet. With regard to Super Fast Broadband, the first tranche of upgrades would not be in South Cambs, to his disappointment. He hoped that South Cambs villages would be included in the second tranche. The response-on-demand transport scheme had been suspended and the existing approach to public transport would remain for the time being. Little Gransden would benefit from work to be carried out on Bridleway 4. He advised of roadworks – dressing of road surfaces in Meadow Road, Great Gransden, and in Waresley and Abbotsley. He was now Vice-Chair of the County Council.

126. WEBSITE – Cllr Penrose presented a paper prepared by the Clerk in consultation with Mr A Griffiths. Councillors APPROVED the recommendation that the website be developed to include meeting Agendas and Minutes and other Parish Council information (proposed by A Penrose, seconded J Bourne). Councillors thanked Mr Griffiths for volunteering to develop and continue to manage the website. Residents were invited to register on the website for updates. ACTION: Clerk and Mr Griffiths

127.1 Cambridge Gliding Club – the application for a variation of condition – the dispensation for the club's annual competition from 10–19 August was noted.
The Chair invited Mrs Warehm to speak. Mrs. A Wareham commented that the increased activity during the competition period was very intrusive for her as the gliders flew directly over her house low enough for her to be able to see the pilot.
127.2 Old Rectory Trees The Chair reported that this matter was referred back to South Cambs District Council Planning Committee for review as the estimated claim for compensation for underpinning the Old Rectory had escalated with the recommendation that the TPOs be revoked. It came before the Planning Committee on Wednesday 3 July. Little Gransden Parish Council, on behalf of themselves and residents, wrote to the Chairman of the Planning Committee to express concern and dismay over the recommendation to revoke TPOs which were confirmed only 9 months ago, when nothing had changed. LGPC also expressed concern considering the haste with which this matter appeared to have been assessed by the Council and presented to the planning committee without further consultation with LGPC.
As Chair of Little Gransden Parish Council, Jane Bourne attended the Planning Committee meeting but made no personal representation on behalf of LGPC. Councillor Bridget Smith made a representation to the Planning Committee. The Planning Committee voted to REVOKE the TPOs which would then result in the trees being felled. The Chair confirmed that Little Gransden Parish Council as a body had not issued any instructions for further action in this matter.
The Chair invited Mrs V Seabright, Mrs Wareham and Mr Pemberton to speak. Mrs Seabright said that the decision to revoke the TPOs was made by 9 votes to 3. She had agreed to replant. She had to attend the High Court in response to a restraining order from Councillor Page. She would like clarification from A Penrose and B Smith.
Mr Penrose responded that he had made it clear under item 119 that his representation had been made in a personal capacity.
Mrs Wareham said that she felt that with limited resources it was outrageous to put trees above buildings and to put people under such stress.
Mr Pemberton asked who was paying for the action in the High Court?
Mr Kindersley replied that the Council's legal team was being paid by the tax payer.
The Meeting resumed. Mr Kindersley left at 9.00 pm.
127.3 Parish Planning Forum – It was noted that the next forum would be on 17 July.
127.4 1 Church Street – The Old Rectory S/0354/13/FL It was noted that this had been approved by SCDC.
127.5 7 Church Walk S/2300/12/FL It was noted that this had been approved by SCDC.

L Councillors reviewed the condition of the memorial. The Clerk reported that it had been the subject of restoration work several years ago: the inscriptions were legible; the memorial would benefit from gentle cleaning before the next Remembrance Day service and during 2014 in commemoration of WWI. ACTION: J Gillett


129.1 Roads: There was a notification of repair works to be carried out to B Bridge on Main Road, approximately 50m south of The Chequers Public House. The works would begin on 22 July and last for around 5 days. Two way traffic lights would be in place during working hours. ACTION: J Bourne to place notice on noticeboard and website. 129.2 Footpaths; Bridleways It was noted that Bridleway 7 had been resurfaced and dressed. ACTION: Clerk to thank PROW officer.


The Chair invited Mrs E Miller to speak. Mrs Miller said that there had appeared to be an increase in the number of aeroplanes taking off from the Aerodrome.
Councillors asked the Clerk to make enquiries of the owners. ACTION: Clerk

131. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH – It was noted that the next Police Panel meeting 18 July at Haslingfield.

A Penrose reported that he was enlisting help from Trevor Brown and Martin Davies and would report to next meeting.

Councillors noted that Mrs Timbrell could not attend the meeting and had resigned as tree warden. They thought the role of tree warden could be incorporated within the biodiversity group. They also noted that there was an outstanding note with regard to the ash trees at the foot of Primrose Hill, which appeared to have signs of dieback. ACTION: Clerk to thank Mrs Timbrell for her conscientious work in this role, and to put a note in Roundabout reminding property owners to check that hedges and trees were not obstructing the public highways.

134. LGEG
update – Trevor Brown was invited to report. He said that the group had met on Tuesday 9 July to hear three members of staff from SCDC who addressed them about energy saving measures in historic houses. It was felt that conservation officer did seem to be making some movement towards a more pragmatic approach to listed homes. Councillors thanked Mr Brown and congratulated him on the display that he had created.

135. CHURCH Cllr Bates reported that the fete had raised £1,680 for the church, which needed to work on the east end, estimated at about £20,000.

There was no progress to report.

137. VILLAGE HALL Trevor Brown reported that refurbishment of the kitchen and the meeting room had been completed, with carpet tiles to be laid on Tuesday 16 July. There would be an opening ceremony and cheque presentation at 2.30 pm on Wednesday 17 July. All were invited.

: Councillors APPROVED expenditure as follows: SCDC Election expenses £715.94; Clerk's salary May 2013 £202.33, June £202.33; reimbursement of photocopying and stationery expenses £12.33, E-On Energy £20.42.

139. TRAINING J Bourne reported that she had attended Chair's training on 20 June and 4 July. She had found the training to be stimulating and helpful and excellent value for money. She would recommend it to all councillors as worthwhile.

Thursday 5 September 7.30 pm, Little Gransden Village Hall (other meetings) 7 November.
Provision for Planning Meetings: 5 August, 7 October, 2 December, 6.00 pm Village Hall.

Little Gransden Parish Council has adopted the Model Publication Scheme under the Freedom of Information Act.